I can't believe there are a few hours left before 2016 ends. Let's make it simple; I don't really know how to say about this year. Describing 2016 in three words? I don't know. But hey, honestly, every year is an amazing year. But at the same time, they can also be an awful year. That's why we have ups and downs in life. That's why people change.
At first, I wanted to list down everything that I've learned this year, but it's too much, I've learned a lot. About relationship, friendship, blogging, study, healthy eating, and so much more. It's too much that I can't even think of any points to elaborate. So, I decided to do a throwback post instead.
Actually, I've been back and forth from my old house to my new house, moving and arranging stuff. When I was writing this post, I was rushing so badly. I still have lots of things I haven't unpack and school starts in 3 freaking days. I haven't buy any school uniform, books, supplies and stationeries. That's how busy I am. I'm sorry in advance if this post kinda sucks. I know that I need to make a final roundup post before 2017, so here it goes.
Usually, the annual road run would not be held this early. Other schools have their road run between February and April. And there we were, running around Lembah Keramat in January. Here's a picture of my clique. I never got a medal, tho. Fun fact, I don't like running. It's something that I'm not good at. Well basically, although I do play a sport, my stamina is quite low. Two of my friends in the picture (the ones who are holding trophies) are great athletes. Both of them get either the 1st or 2nd place in our category every year. Yeap, every single year. They are the stars.
I've never been active in co-curriculum, to be honest. I mean, I do play sport, but not these uniforms thingy. But starting this year, I decided to be more active as I only have 2 years left in high school. Of course, to get co-curriculum marks! So this is a picture of me, my friend and two of my girl guide seniors representing out school at Majlis Pandu Puteri Renjer Peringkat Daerah Gombak at SMK Taman Desa. It was my first time going to this kind of event. It was amazing! I got to meet girl guides from other schools, and we played fun games. Hoping to be at the event again in 2017!
There's an annual camp for each school, right? We had ours this year in March at Kem Lubok Manggis, Hulu Langat. So far, it was the best camp I've ever been to in my entire life. The place is so beautiful; the facilitators were very sporting, and the activities were damn fun! We all had a great time, and we enjoyed every single second. The sad thing is that the camp was held only for 2 days and 1 night, which is not enough as it was a great camp. Generally, annual camps will be held for at least two nights. For next year's camp, we've requested to our teachers to make it at the same place with the same facilitators. Hehe.
Nothing much. From what I remembered, there were no interesting things happened in April. But here's a picture we took in this month, our class picture! I've been with the same classmates for three years as our school don't usually change classes every year. We only get to choose and change classes in Form 4 based on the streams. So, here I am, with mostly the same classmates and a few new ones. So far, nothing can beat my lower secondary classmates. They were the best!
As I said in my About The Author page, I play a sport called Softball. If you don't know what it is, it's very similar to baseball but with different types of balls and size of diamond (the field). I represent my school in Kejohanan Sofbol MSSD Gombak. This is a district level tournament. Softball is a sport that my school is excellent at. Both of our male and female teams got the 1st place every year. This is my team, Kelleys' Softball team. There is a total of 15 players. We got the 1st place again this year, alhamdulillah. Sadly, I didn't get to play much this year as my left leg was injured 3 days before the tournament. Overall, I still enjoy the game!
It was the month of Ramadhan. So, there was nothing much, but we did go for a school trip. Remember this post of mine? I talked about the journey! Yeap, the #KrafRaya16 event at Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur. We visited an art and craft museum. There was also an Aidilfitri sale there called Colours of Aidilfitri 2016. I didn't actually buy anything as the stuff were quite expensive as most of them are handmade, but the clothing there were so beautiful as they're all batik design. This is a picture of my friends and me in the museum!
Aidilfitri! We celebrated our first day of Raya at my hometown in Banting, Selangor. Our theme this year is black and red. This is a picture of my family, acting like we're in the famous Hindustan movie entitled Dilwale. We had an awesome Raya this year. Then, after the raya season, I had another softball tournament. Alhamdulillah, I got chosen to represent my district, Gombak for the state level competition, which is Kejohanan Sofbol MSS Selangor. This is my first year being in the Gombak team! This is a picture of my teammates and coaches. For this competition, our team go the 2nd place. The 1st place, which is the Klang team, is very unbeatable. They've been the champion for more than 10 years! Whatever it is, I miss my Gombak team so much!
The moment that all Biology students have been waiting for, frog dissection experiment! I've always wanted to do this surgery thingy like my parents. Many people asked me if I want to follow my parents' footsteps, but honestly, I don't want to. Even my mum doesn't really recommend me to be a doctor. She admitted that she had a lifeless life as a surgeon. But of course, I do have a little bit of the desire to try. So there's my friends and me, successfully dissected a frog! Alhamdulillah, everything went well, and the frog was kind to us (as in, it didn't make us shocked, frighten or something). I love this experiment, wishing to do it again!
In this month, we went on a trip to Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)! It was a great experience. We had a jungle tracking; we got to know many types and species of trees and plants. Fun fact, there's a tree named similarly to me! It's called 'Liana' without a 'y'. It's a tree that lives by circling other trees to get to the top for sunlight. It's also the type of tree that Tarzan would use to swing around the forest! If you cut its trunk, some drinkable water will come out. Cool, right? You can Google about the tree if you're interested. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the tree as we were busy exploring the forest, but here's a picture of me, my friends and my seniors before we start our jungle tracking.
Again, nothing much. The only thing that happened was we decided to do a lion cut on one of my cats named Max. A lion cut is basically a short shave for your cat. I can't really remember if I've mentioned this before, but I have two cats named Max and Mia. Max is a little brother of Mia, Both of them are long-haired cats, so Max had lots of lices and fungus. So, we decided to trim off his hair to settle the problems. Here's a before and after picture of Max. Cute, isn't he?
A highlight of this month is the holiday with my friends! We went to Sunway Lagoon and Sunway Pyramid together. We had a very, very fun time. We didn't get to ride many rides as there were so many people, the queue lines were very long. But overall, we spent a whole great day there. On the next day, we went to Sunway Pyramid for ice skating! It was my first time tho, but everything worked out well as I do know how to play roller blades, so I have the basics. We spent hours ice skating; it was definitely worth it.
I didn't get to went on holiday or something as my family and I were very busy with our house moving process. Until this moment, when I was writing this post, we're only like 90% done. Lots of problems with the new house came, so we only got to move in yesterday, on the 30th December. But for the highlights, I would say the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale! I actually went there again on the second last day to buy some books for my brothers, but the picture above is a selfie of my friend and me at the book sale (I accidentally met her). The group picture is from a photo booth at my friend's sister's wedding this month.
Overall, 2016 has been a great year. I've learned many new things from time to time. We all have been through a lot, right? All the highs and lows are meant to be in our life. There are reasons for them to happen. Let's not regret anything and keep them as lessons.
Now, about this blog. I want to thank every single one of you guys who has been supporting my blog by reading my nonsense posts, leaving comments and opinions, or even just, visiting this site. This blog and you guys mean a lot to me! Also, recently my previous post won the weekly prize of the “You need a holiday lah!” Contest by Traveloka. So, thank you for the ones who wished the best for me. Thank you so much, guys!

I hope all of you had a fantastic year. Thank you to everyone who had come into my life, stay by my side, or even left me. I truly appreciate everyone, all of you had given me some lessons and memories. Alhamdulillah, I'm grateful for everything.
Let us all move on from 2016 and welcome 2017. It's just around the corner! I'm really hoping to be a better person next year. I need to change, especially in my studies as I'll be sitting for SPM next year. Plus, there are only 310 days left before that god damn big exam. I literally made a countdown to remind myself, lol. Wish me luck!
At first, I wanted to list down everything that I've learned this year, but it's too much, I've learned a lot. About relationship, friendship, blogging, study, healthy eating, and so much more. It's too much that I can't even think of any points to elaborate. So, I decided to do a throwback post instead.
Actually, I've been back and forth from my old house to my new house, moving and arranging stuff. When I was writing this post, I was rushing so badly. I still have lots of things I haven't unpack and school starts in 3 freaking days. I haven't buy any school uniform, books, supplies and stationeries. That's how busy I am. I'm sorry in advance if this post kinda sucks. I know that I need to make a final roundup post before 2017, so here it goes.
Usually, the annual road run would not be held this early. Other schools have their road run between February and April. And there we were, running around Lembah Keramat in January. Here's a picture of my clique. I never got a medal, tho. Fun fact, I don't like running. It's something that I'm not good at. Well basically, although I do play a sport, my stamina is quite low. Two of my friends in the picture (the ones who are holding trophies) are great athletes. Both of them get either the 1st or 2nd place in our category every year. Yeap, every single year. They are the stars.
I've never been active in co-curriculum, to be honest. I mean, I do play sport, but not these uniforms thingy. But starting this year, I decided to be more active as I only have 2 years left in high school. Of course, to get co-curriculum marks! So this is a picture of me, my friend and two of my girl guide seniors representing out school at Majlis Pandu Puteri Renjer Peringkat Daerah Gombak at SMK Taman Desa. It was my first time going to this kind of event. It was amazing! I got to meet girl guides from other schools, and we played fun games. Hoping to be at the event again in 2017!
There's an annual camp for each school, right? We had ours this year in March at Kem Lubok Manggis, Hulu Langat. So far, it was the best camp I've ever been to in my entire life. The place is so beautiful; the facilitators were very sporting, and the activities were damn fun! We all had a great time, and we enjoyed every single second. The sad thing is that the camp was held only for 2 days and 1 night, which is not enough as it was a great camp. Generally, annual camps will be held for at least two nights. For next year's camp, we've requested to our teachers to make it at the same place with the same facilitators. Hehe.
Nothing much. From what I remembered, there were no interesting things happened in April. But here's a picture we took in this month, our class picture! I've been with the same classmates for three years as our school don't usually change classes every year. We only get to choose and change classes in Form 4 based on the streams. So, here I am, with mostly the same classmates and a few new ones. So far, nothing can beat my lower secondary classmates. They were the best!
As I said in my About The Author page, I play a sport called Softball. If you don't know what it is, it's very similar to baseball but with different types of balls and size of diamond (the field). I represent my school in Kejohanan Sofbol MSSD Gombak. This is a district level tournament. Softball is a sport that my school is excellent at. Both of our male and female teams got the 1st place every year. This is my team, Kelleys' Softball team. There is a total of 15 players. We got the 1st place again this year, alhamdulillah. Sadly, I didn't get to play much this year as my left leg was injured 3 days before the tournament. Overall, I still enjoy the game!
It was the month of Ramadhan. So, there was nothing much, but we did go for a school trip. Remember this post of mine? I talked about the journey! Yeap, the #KrafRaya16 event at Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur. We visited an art and craft museum. There was also an Aidilfitri sale there called Colours of Aidilfitri 2016. I didn't actually buy anything as the stuff were quite expensive as most of them are handmade, but the clothing there were so beautiful as they're all batik design. This is a picture of my friends and me in the museum!
Aidilfitri! We celebrated our first day of Raya at my hometown in Banting, Selangor. Our theme this year is black and red. This is a picture of my family, acting like we're in the famous Hindustan movie entitled Dilwale. We had an awesome Raya this year. Then, after the raya season, I had another softball tournament. Alhamdulillah, I got chosen to represent my district, Gombak for the state level competition, which is Kejohanan Sofbol MSS Selangor. This is my first year being in the Gombak team! This is a picture of my teammates and coaches. For this competition, our team go the 2nd place. The 1st place, which is the Klang team, is very unbeatable. They've been the champion for more than 10 years! Whatever it is, I miss my Gombak team so much!
The moment that all Biology students have been waiting for, frog dissection experiment! I've always wanted to do this surgery thingy like my parents. Many people asked me if I want to follow my parents' footsteps, but honestly, I don't want to. Even my mum doesn't really recommend me to be a doctor. She admitted that she had a lifeless life as a surgeon. But of course, I do have a little bit of the desire to try. So there's my friends and me, successfully dissected a frog! Alhamdulillah, everything went well, and the frog was kind to us (as in, it didn't make us shocked, frighten or something). I love this experiment, wishing to do it again!
In this month, we went on a trip to Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)! It was a great experience. We had a jungle tracking; we got to know many types and species of trees and plants. Fun fact, there's a tree named similarly to me! It's called 'Liana' without a 'y'. It's a tree that lives by circling other trees to get to the top for sunlight. It's also the type of tree that Tarzan would use to swing around the forest! If you cut its trunk, some drinkable water will come out. Cool, right? You can Google about the tree if you're interested. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the tree as we were busy exploring the forest, but here's a picture of me, my friends and my seniors before we start our jungle tracking.
Again, nothing much. The only thing that happened was we decided to do a lion cut on one of my cats named Max. A lion cut is basically a short shave for your cat. I can't really remember if I've mentioned this before, but I have two cats named Max and Mia. Max is a little brother of Mia, Both of them are long-haired cats, so Max had lots of lices and fungus. So, we decided to trim off his hair to settle the problems. Here's a before and after picture of Max. Cute, isn't he?
A highlight of this month is the holiday with my friends! We went to Sunway Lagoon and Sunway Pyramid together. We had a very, very fun time. We didn't get to ride many rides as there were so many people, the queue lines were very long. But overall, we spent a whole great day there. On the next day, we went to Sunway Pyramid for ice skating! It was my first time tho, but everything worked out well as I do know how to play roller blades, so I have the basics. We spent hours ice skating; it was definitely worth it.
I didn't get to went on holiday or something as my family and I were very busy with our house moving process. Until this moment, when I was writing this post, we're only like 90% done. Lots of problems with the new house came, so we only got to move in yesterday, on the 30th December. But for the highlights, I would say the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale! I actually went there again on the second last day to buy some books for my brothers, but the picture above is a selfie of my friend and me at the book sale (I accidentally met her). The group picture is from a photo booth at my friend's sister's wedding this month.
Overall, 2016 has been a great year. I've learned many new things from time to time. We all have been through a lot, right? All the highs and lows are meant to be in our life. There are reasons for them to happen. Let's not regret anything and keep them as lessons.
The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. - Robert Tew
Now, about this blog. I want to thank every single one of you guys who has been supporting my blog by reading my nonsense posts, leaving comments and opinions, or even just, visiting this site. This blog and you guys mean a lot to me! Also, recently my previous post won the weekly prize of the “You need a holiday lah!” Contest by Traveloka. So, thank you for the ones who wished the best for me. Thank you so much, guys!

I hope all of you had a fantastic year. Thank you to everyone who had come into my life, stay by my side, or even left me. I truly appreciate everyone, all of you had given me some lessons and memories. Alhamdulillah, I'm grateful for everything.
Let us all move on from 2016 and welcome 2017. It's just around the corner! I'm really hoping to be a better person next year. I need to change, especially in my studies as I'll be sitting for SPM next year. Plus, there are only 310 days left before that god damn big exam. I literally made a countdown to remind myself, lol. Wish me luck!
May Allah SWT grant us another great or even better year in 2017.
Goodbye, 2016!
You had all the year filled up with activities, surely you're an active student.. xD
ReplyDeleteHappy new year, liyana..! And goodluck for your big exam.. :3
tu laaa kan, baru tahun ni start active sikit hahahaha 😆 happy new year, Razana! hehe thank you so much 😊
DeleteI love joining pandu puteri aktiviti, tu yang sanggup pergi smpi ke kelantan haha. enjoy your last year in school, nnti you akan rindu gila dgn sekolah tak nak msuk uni haha
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind, bole tak share mana liyana jumpa tutorial nak buat archive page? mine punya coding macam da tak bole guna,hehe
i baru start join this year hahahahah wahhh active betul tu! will do 😄 tu laaa i'm surely going to miss school aih 😔
Deleteehh boleh boleh! i got the tutorial from Erin Azmir. i'll share the link at your blog 😄
Yey thank you!
DeleteYou're welcome! :)
DeleteHappy New Year Liyana! May 2017 be an exciting and wonderful year for you :)
ReplyDeletehappy new year, Nabila! insya'Allah hehe may your 2017 be a year full of blessings! 😄
DeleteHappy New Year Liyana! All the best for your SPM
ReplyDeletehappy new year, Azreen! thank you so much hehe 😄
Deleteselamat tahun baru :)
ReplyDeletesudi2 la join contest Nurul ni ye :)
selamat tahun baru hehe 😄 okayyy insya'Allah 👌🏻
DeleteHappy New Year Liyana! :D
ReplyDeletehappy new year, Ayu! 😄