After a few months of getting paid, I finally spent some of my money for this blog! I've been waiting to do this for soooooooo long. Now, I finally got my own domain, and also a Blogger template I've always wanted. I'm using a template by UnderlineDesigns. They sell beautiful templates at affordable prices. The domain service I'm using is by NetKL, which costs RM45 per year. Yay, my dreams came true!
Overall, I'm really happy with my blog now. After a few days of editing, I would say I'm 99% satisfied with how it looks. Alhamdulillah, rezeki bulan Ramadan gitu. Speaking of that, happy fasting to all Muslims! It's almost middle of Ramadan now. How time flies, right? May this honourable month full of blessings and forgiveness for everyone. I wish you guys a delightful Ramadan ahead!
Since my blog looks pretty fresh and new now, I feel very excited to continue updating! Lol, I know I always say this but this time, I will try to keep this blog updated since I have about 1 month left before continuing my studies. Cause I will be definitely even busier after that. I really miss this keyboard, ugh!
Please stay tuned! Salam Ramadan, peeps 💕

P.s; Really can't wait for Raya. I've been making kuih raya since before Ramadan! CORNFLAKES MADU IS LIFE. Fight me.
Congrats on getting a domain & come back to blogging life <3
ReplyDeleteTrue that, cornflakes madu is life! :>
ReplyDeleteHeyyyy, welcome back girl!! I can see a fresh 'face' right here. It's a beautiful template and congrats for your domain name too! All the best and selamat berpuasa :) xx
ReplyDeleteLenne Zulkiflly Blog
Welcome back and congratulations on your own domain :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats dik! Gua dulu 1A pun susah nak dapat. Tehee..
ReplyDeleteYANA, I MISS YOU!