Tips for Better Sleep

For many working class people, sleep is a luxury. Many people in the world choose to work overtime or...

Easy & Healthy Binge-Watching Snacks

Since we’ve been stuck in our homes due to the pandemic, binge-watching movies or series has turned...

Tips for a Comfortable Quarantine Life

Life hasn’t been anywhere near normal this year, with an ongoing global pandemic. Movement control orders...

Life Update, Again?

Hello everyone! As always, after months of leaving this blog, I finally come back just to 'update' my...

Early Autumn Outfit Ideas!

Is your wardrobe ready for autumn? Feelingirldress has great deals for you! Click and get to know plus...

Quarantine Thoughts

How's everyone doing? Happy quarantine, guys. Is it Day-9? I honestly can't even keep track of this...

First Time Trying MyeongDong Topokki!

I always love Korean food! The only legit Korean restaurents in Malaysia that I have tried before are...

How I Spent My Holiday Break

It's the 3rd week of my semester break! As I said in one of my previous posts, I legit spent my 1st...

Short Ipoh Trip

Yoooo. I'm back in KL! Home sweet home. I went to Ipoh for a while with my family. It was short, not...

Semester Break Update!

Hewwo peeps. Yeap, I'm still alive. LOL. I hope everyone's doing fine. I guess it's too late already...